Trump’s angry? Kamala’s got Joy?

By Dr. Glen Mollette

Did Trump seem angry last week during the debate?

I thought he was intense. There’s a difference. Aren’t you a little intense? Doesn’t it bother you when you dread going to the grocery store because you need more money to buy the same things? Doesn’t it irritate you that your town is starting to look like a third world country? Doesn’t it make you a little intense when so many undocumented people are getting medical care that you can’t afford? Doesn’t it provoke you some that your grandchildren can’t play outside at night because America has become so unsafe? Do you even feel safe for them to be out in the yard or down the street alone during the day? Doesn’t it make you just a little uptight when you go to buy a car and know that if you can’t pay cash for it that you will make payments and big ones for a long time?

 Doesn’t it make you a bit irritable that renting an apartment of any size is insanely expensive? Does it bother you that buying a house might never be within your reach? How do you feel about seeing your ability to financially enjoy retirement shrink more every day? Does it bother you that babies are aborted in such late stages of pregnancy when there is no medical necessity or concern about the mother’s or baby’s health?  Doesn’t it concern you that our country is so involved in the Ukraine-Russia war and also the Israel-Hamas war? Could we end up in World War III? Doesn’t it bother you that we are living in an era where we need police protection more than ever but some government leaders want to defund the police? Doesn’t it tick you off a bit that you may never be able to retire? 

 I think Trump has every reason to be a little high strung and intense.  I suspect you have times when you are as well. Now Kamala, naw, she’s got joy. None of this stuff is bothering her at all. She laughs, giggles and has some funky facial expressions going on.  As millions of people have illegally crossed our border for almost four years, she and Joe Biden have let them have their way. Prices on everything have strained the American economy during her entire tenure. Her solution is that America is going to move on and she will give every hopeful home owner $25,000, and everyone will be filled with joy.

Handing out big checks to Americans, businesses and even colleges and non-profits during covid started this huge mess of people preferring to stay home instead of work. It also began this economy crisis our nation is suffering. We can thank Kamala and Biden for this joy that she only wants to continue. Which are you feeling today? Trump’s intensity or Kamala’s joy?

Glenn Mollette is read in all fifty states. Find books by Glenn Mollette at Learn more about his books, columns and music at GlennMollette.Com. Email him at

My Reply:

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Glen, you did it again.  What a wonderful analysis of our “new world” order.  Unfortunately, Trump is a thug not unlike Al Capone.  I grew up in an Italian neighborhood where he was venerated (even though he killed people), we even had a name for him  and his thugs, “Cops & Wops.”  It was great fun admiring him until he killed someone you knew.  I have lived and worked in over 15 countries working for the US Government, and I watched what “yes men” do to control the situation.

Trump goes against almost everything I believe in, but I have seen the other side.  20 years ago I created The Foothills Paper to combat police terrorism, the usage of our City Council System to provide jobs for their friends and deny what is rightfully the needs of the people.  We had gangs roaming the streets “Bum Bashing” beating up houseless people.  I’m not a hero but I did use the power of 4,000 readers to make appointed officials back off and do what they were elected to do.  But I’m done.  From Biden to Trump to Kamala, our nation has gone into the shitter and there is no longer anything I can do.

We have a new migration of third-country people that by overwhelming numbers, have taken over our community, painted their places with 3rd world colors and driven out local businesses that were here for 30 years.  For us, this is the “End of days.”  In the past 20 years, the new immigrants have started 5 newspapers to put us out of business.  The good thing is that they are divisive and they fight among themselves based on what country they came from.    We’ve have IEDs thrown at our businesses, gangs threatening us, attacked on the social media and had the Chamber of Commerce infiltrated and taken over, the local social clubs like the Elks, the Masons, the Lions, and even some of our churches.  We survived them because they had no command and control. 

The good thing is that very few of them were in the armed services, but that is beginning to change here.  Our city elections for the past 8 years have been between the cartel and the good ‘ol boys.  We have thugs for neighbors and with the reduction of the drug operators, we have lost our threat of retaliation.  And the civilians continue on blithely. Watching their neighbors get killed by errant drivers, murders that aren’t reported or if they are, misreported.  Yes Glen, once again, you called out what so many of our neighbors don’t see, much less understand.  Kamala is the Mary Poppins and Trump is the thug.  Both will end up destroying our nation if elected and left unchecked.  Our Supreme Court is a joke that shows what money can buy.

And we’re stuck in the middle.

Thanks for being the holder of the lamp that lights what is happening.

Yours in service,

David DeMulle’ Ph.D.


The Foothills Paper.